The OSCE Presence in Albania issues this call for application from Implementing Partners to be included in its roster.
The Implementing Partners should be not-for-profit organizations, operating in conformity with national and international legislation in the areas in which they are active, and undertake the day to day management of a project, and will be engaged when the Presence does not have the skills or resources to manage project implementation activities, or for the capacity building activities.
The objective of this roster is to have a pool of potential implementing partners who have already been vetted as viable candidates, ready for immediate selection.
The IP will have a distinct area of expertise within one or several of the following fields:
Democratisation; Gender equality and mainstreaming; Youth engagement and mainstreaming; Media development; Civil society development; Parliamentary procedures, legislative and oversight; Accountability and transparency; Public involvement and participatory processes; Software development; Digitalization and e-programmes development; Design and Development of IT systems and case management systems for public institutions; Elections and electoral reform; Police reform; Border security; Community Safety; Justice reform; Legislative and regulatory processes; Human rights; Curriculum elaboration, alignment and revision for institutions of higher legal, human rights and social sciences education and research; Counter violent extremism (CVE) policies and processes; Combatting trafficking in human beings; Child protection; Anti-corruption; Environmental crime; Local governance; Public relations.