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Video animation spot production on promotion of residents right to access public documents and protection of personal data for OSCE Mission in Kosovo

Reference Number
Procurement procedures
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Launch date
09 April 2021
, Europe/Vienna
Expected contract duration
One-off purchase
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements

Selected marketing/production agency will be required to develop and produce three different thematic video animation spots, up to 60 seconds long, in four language versions: Albanian Serbian Turkish and Roma. The video animation spots will be developed based on the instructions provided by the Missions Democratization Department/Governance Section and Office of Political Affairs and Communications (OPAC).

During 2021, under the auspices of this activity, the Mission will continue to support the Information and Privacy Agency (IPA) in further promoting the right to access public documents and the protection of personal data, including patients’ right to privacy contextualized with the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues such as specific advice on how to access public documents held by the institutions, inter-institutional sharing of personal data, proactive publication of the data by its holder and how to share these data according to the law – all contextualized with COVID-19 pandemic – will be emphasized.