As part of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department (TNT) the Action against Terrorism Unit (ATU) is the focal point for co-ordinating and facilitating OSCE anti-terrorism activities.
The TNT/ATU intends to publish a Good Practices Guide on Protecting Non-Nuclear Critical Energy Infrastructure (NNCEI) From Terrorist Attacks, particularly focusing on threats emanating from cyberspace. The guide shall be based on information available in the public domain. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of the risks of terrorist threats to NNCEI - particularly on industrial control systems and cyber-related infrastructure - and to promote the implementation of good practices for protecting this infrastructure.
The objective of this tender is to compile the draft manual that is acceptable to all stakeholders. This manual will subsequently be proofread, edited, translated and published by the OSCE.
For full terms of reference please request the bidding documents.