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Development and implementation of an awareness raising campaign on risks related to illegal possession, misuse and trafficking in weapons, ammunition and explosives (WAE) in Ukraine

Reference Number
Procurement procedures
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Launch date
31 May 2024
, Europe/Vienna
Expected contract duration
One-off purchase
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements

The OSCE Secretariat plans to develop and implement an awareness raising campaign to interact Ukrainian citizens via innovative, effective and engaging communications methods to increase public safety and awareness on the dangers and misuse of WAE (Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives) contributing to security and safety not only of the country but also region, namely:

1. To increase the civilians’ awareness on the risks posed by illegal WAE in Ukraine;

2. To improve the Ukrainian society attitudes towards topic of the regulation of firearms circulation and usage, as well as its control;

3. To increase the level of Ukrainian citizens' perception of security and trust in the law enforcement agencies within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Proposals shall be submitted as the following complete LOTs:

  • LOT 1 – Preparatory phase for the awareness raising campaign. Sociological research.
  • LOT 2 – Development of media materials for the awareness raising campaign and posting them on TV, social networks and billboard advertising.

Bidders can bid for one of the lots or for both. To access and download the tender documents, please click on the below link



Clarification Note no 1 was published on 20.06.2024

Clarification Note no 2 was published on 24.06.2024