OSCE PCUz is implementing a project entitled "Support to Development of the Media in Uzbekistan”. In accordance with the official request from partner organization, the PCUz supports the organization of a series of trainings on "Legal aspects of journalists and bloggers’ performance” aimed at enhancing capacity and professional skills of media workers.
The event is to be conductive to raising legal awareness of journalists and bloggers in terms of media activity, and to explaining rights and obligations of media representatives.
Seminars will be attended by journalists and workers of the republican and regional mass media, as well as bloggers and representatives of the state press services.
Main objectives:
Development and implementation of promising media projects, journalists and bloggers for the sake of solving the socio-economic problems of the country;
Strengthening the material and technical base of the media, supporting the activities of journalists and bloggers, providing them with legal, advisory, organizational, technical and other assistance;
Organizing events on media development issues;
Establishment of partnership with international organizations;
Training, retraining and professional development of journalists, bloggers and other representatives of the media;
Raising the status of the media, as well as journalists and bloggers, assistance in creating mechanisms for the self-government of the media community;
Development of proposals to improve legislation in the field of information.
The OSCE PCUz will cover venue as well as transportation, accommodation and meals for participants and supplier.
Requirements for bidders
Successful Bidder should be a Legal enterprise and should have a legal registration in the Republic of Uzbekistan, or official representation;
Work of experience – at least 3 years in Uzbekistan
Provide portfolio of the company demonstrating an experience in protection of media rights and interests in Uzbekistan (including CVs of trainers)
Ability to provide training in regions of Uzbekistan in Uzbek language
Ability to work with diverse group of participants