Brief description:
The project’s objective is to assist Uzbekistan in achieving its international commitments in regard to combating corruption by facilitating collective action against corruption in the business sector. It is based on the OSCE Ministerial Council Declaration on Strengthening Good Governance and Combating Corruption, Money-Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism of 7 December 2012 (MC .DoC/2/12).
Good corporate governance in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and a level playing with their private counterparts significantly improve the country’s economic growth and lower its level of corruption. For that reason, promoting good governance practices and anti-corruption efforts is a priority of the OSCE.
After the adoption of regulatory documents on antimonopoly compliance in Uzbekistan and developed compliance methodology (including compliance with anti-monopoly regulations), it is necessary to launch the process of their practical implementation. It is proposed to start with one of the largest state-owned enterprises of Uzbekistan within the framework of this project. The project provides for the support of such enterprises in the pilot implementation of the anti-monopoly compliance function.
Expected results include:
Creation of an effective function of corporate governance system and antimonopoly compliance, confirmed by the first practical actions of the compliance service of pilot state-owned enterprise.
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