The Conflict Prevention Centre (CPC) of the OSCE Secretariat is mandated to periodically report to the participating States on the military information exchanged among them based on the agreed CSBMs and other conventional arms control agreements and documents. The CPC is planning to develop an arms control Information Management and Reporting System (iMARS) to support the implementation of its mandate by contracting a software developing Vendor.
The iMARS application shall comprise several thematic components covering the military information exchanges under each relevant topic. These components shall include information exchanges related to the Vienna Document 2011, Global Exchange of Military Information, SALW/SCA related data, Conventional Arms Transfers (CAT), Anti-Personnel Landmines (APL), and the OSCE Code of Conduct (CoC), replacing the current Excel-based spreadsheets used to support the CPC’s reporting obligations.
The iMARS will be a database–driven web application, hosted on an OSCE internal network and accessible only to authorised OSCE staff. A proof-of-concept application has already been developed using ASP.NET, C#, Windows Server and SQL Server. The same platform and languages shall be used for development of the full iMARS system.
This Invitation for Prequalification (IFP) is targeted towards reputable Vendors with substantial capabilities, qualifications and experiences in the area of .NET software development. The objective of this IFP is to shortlist Vendors who will be invited to participate in a subsequent Request for Proposal (RFP).
The IFP document is available via the Request Form.