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Development of a Monitoring Methodology for e-Governance in Azerbaijan

Reference Number
Procurement procedures
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Launch date
17 August 2012
, Asia/Baku
Expected contract duration
6 months
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements

Objectives of the service

The OSCE Office in Baku (the Office) wishes to select a service provider with expertise in e-Governance Monitoring and Evaluation Methodologies to develop a new monitoring methodology, including qualitative and quantitative indicators, for assessing Azerbaijan’s implementation of a sample of e-services stipulated in the Presidential Decree[1] dated 23 May 2011 on Establishment of e-Services and in the related regulations. The service provider will advise the Office on the sample of e-services to monitor and the relevant indicators to use for that purpose.


  • The service provider should conduct a fact-finding mission in Azerbaijan at project start, approximately one week in duration;
  • The service provider should present the monitoring methodology during a half-day event in Baku at the date to be agreed in consultation with the Office during the fact-finding mission;
  • All services must be delivered no later than 15 December 2012.

For full terms of reference please request the bidding documents.

[1] The unofficial English language translation of the above mentioned decree may be requested by e-mail to