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Extended - Provision of software development services for creation and deployment of WAE Classifier to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Reference Number
Procurement procedures
Invitation for Prequalification (IFP)
Launch date
24 November 2023
, Europe/Vienna
Expected contract duration
One-off purchase
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements

The OSCE Secretariat implements the project for software development and deployment of national-scale WAE (Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives) Classifier to be used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Ukraine.

The implementation of the WAE Classifier will introduce a completely new electronic cross-platform workflow and registry system and enable the MIA to improve transparency and efficiency in combatting the illegal trafficking of WAE.

This Invitation for Prequalification (IFP) serves to shortlist qualified IT software development companies, which will be then invited to participate in a subsequent Request for Proposal (RFP).