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Production of election-related video and audio Public Service Announcements (PSAs) in Ukrainian language with further adaptation of video PSAs for demonstration on TV channels

Reference Number
Procurement procedures
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Launch date
08 July 2015
, Europe/Kiev
Expected contract duration
One-off purchase
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements

Production of 4 full versions and 1 shortened version of video Public Service Announcements (PSAs) including further adaptation for demonstration on local TV channels; Production of 5 audio PSAs (MP3). Language of all video PSAs including subtitles and audio PSAs is Ukrainian. Audio visual materials are to be produced in frames of «Developing Election Training Capacity and Enhancing Voter Awareness» project in Ukraine. The produced materials shall be aimed at informing Ukrainian voters about their rights, election procedures and importance of elections in general.