Since 2012, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (OMiK) and the OSCE Mission to Serbia (OMiS) facilitated a series of meetings that brought together prominent women from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade to exchange views on best practices for women empowerment in both societies (the so-called “Budva Process” and now known as “Follow Us” initiative). As part of a joint action plan, two editions of the OSCE Dialogue Academy for Young Women were organized in 2015 and 2016. Alumni of the 2016 OSCE Dialogue Academy from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade are organizing a Dialogue Caravan as part of their joint activities. The aim of the Caravan is to foster and promote dialogue between various communities, promote gender equality and youth empowerment in decision making processes. The Dialogue Caravan will be organized in July 2017, during which the Alumni of the 2016 OSCE Dialogue Academy will visit urban and rural areas in and out of Kosovo. The visits will be comprised of a number of workshops and debates specifically covering topics pertaining to gender roles and gender based violence. In order to raise visibility and promote this initiative, OMiK will contract a company to film and produce a short documentary of the Dialogue Caravan of a total duration of twenty (20) minutes.