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Project design services for construction works, including elaboration of bill of quantities and cost estimates for the upgrade of physical and ICT security for 15 Border Police Stations and 1Regional Centre for Border Affairs

Reference Number
Procurement procedures
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Launch date
06 April 2018
, Europe/Skopje
Expected contract duration
One-off purchase
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements

The OSCE Mission to Skopje seeks proposals from qualified contractors for the provision of Project design services for construction works, including elaboration of bill of quantities and cost estimates for the upgrade of physical and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) security for fifteen (15) Border Police Stations (BPS) and one (1) Regional Centre for Border Affairs (RCBA), in accordance with the requirements, terms and conditions stipulated in the solicitation documents.

Qualified companies interested in obtaining the complete tender documentation, are invited to submit Acknowledgment letter, given in the attached document, to the following e-mail address:, not later than the day before the closing date.

Companies interested in obtaining the complete tender documentation, will be invited to submit Acknowledgment Letter.