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Provision of Check Point products

Reference Number
Check Point products
Procurement procedures
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)
Launch date
18 August 2016
, Europe/Vienna
Expected contract duration
5 years
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements


The Secretariat of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is using security products from Check Point since 2001. To achieve the economy of scale and streamline the ordering process, the OSCE is interested to establish a Corporate Window Contract for the provision of Check Point products, including hardware, software, related maintenance and support.

Service Requirements

The Vendor shall fulfil the following minimum requirements:

- Authorized partnership by Check Point (at least two stars);
- Interest to enter into long-term relationship with the OSCE and provide professional services;
- Ability to offer full range of products by Check Point;
- Offer a discount percentage to the OSCE from Check Point price list;
- Capacity to deliver across the OSCE offices; for more details, please see

Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) procedure

Please note that this is not an invitation for submission of a bid or proposal. This is the Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) to identify qualified and interested vendors to participate in the upcoming competitive tender. If your company is interested to participate in the OSCE tender, please send your response by email to Yury GOLOVKOV at by 28 August 2016 22:00HRS CET