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Provision of Security Services and Equipment for International Conferences Organised by ODIHR

Reference Number
Procurement procedures
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Launch date
19 March 2014
, Europe/Warsaw
Expected contract duration
5 years
On behalf of

Summary of Requirements

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) intends to contract security services and rental of equipment for international conferences organized in Warsaw centre (Poland).

The overall objective of this tender and the contract is to select a qualified Contractor, who shall provide security services in accordance with ODIHR Security Plan and in view of security provisions established in Polish law for the Conferences organised by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in premium hotel/conference centre in Warsaw City Centre.

The Contractor will provide a physical security at the venue as a comprehensive 24 hour service to ensure a secure environment at all times and to ensure that the personnel and equipment of the organisation and its guests remain safe, secure and unmolested for the duration of the conference.

This will be achieved by creating guarded, sanitized areas where access is restricted to participants, recognized guests and OSCE officials with valid conference ID cards. This will be best accomplished by providing a low-key security presence that ensures the security of participants and which facilitates the desired end state of a successful, incident-free conference.

The purpose of the contract is:

  • To physically protect the conference venue and the participants;
  • To manage the venue’s access control, including participants screening and VIP Screening;
  • To ensure a rapid intervention team (emergency response team);
  • To provide a qualified dog handler for a security sweeping of the venue prior the opening of the daily sessions;
  • Low-profile cash transport from the ODIHR premises to the venue;
  • To furnish the required security equipment.