The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the world's largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization with its Secretariat located in Vienna, Austria.
The Information and Communications Technology Services Infrastructure Operations (ICT) is responsible for the OSCE email system which is based on Microsoft Exchange 2010.
Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange is used for anti-virus scanning on transport and mailbox servers. Due to the upcoming end of life of the product, a replacement product is required.
Product Requirements
The ICT is interested to obtain a solution that will fulfil the following requirements:
1. Full on premise solution (exception only for definition updates);
2. Primarily used for Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware;
3. If Anti-SPAM is a feature, it should be possible to disable it;
4. Support for Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013;
5. Support for Windows Server 2008R2 and 2012R2 Standard and Enterprise;
6. Support for physical and VMWare 5.5+ virtualized servers;
7. Has to work on Hub/Transport and Mailbox roles;
8. Online/Real-Time scanning of mails;
9. Scheduled Mailbox scanning (on demand);
10. Multiple Virus Scanners desired, in case only a single scanner will be offered it has to differ from the following products: McAfee, F-Secure, Clam AV;
11. Update of scanning definitions on regular bases (minimum once per day);
12. Central management interface for maintenance and administration of up to 15 Exchange servers with role based access. Alternatively local interfaces on all Exchange servers;
13. Statistics (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) to be run as report and to be scheduled to be sent as mail;
14. Exclusions for file types, email addresses;
15. Quarantine area;
16. License based on mailboxes or servers;
17. Minimal performance impact;
18. Has to be installed on existing Windows 2008R2 Exchange 2010 servers;
19. Alerting per Mail;
20. Should not require global Exchange administration permissions to be administered and maintained;
21. Interface language is English;
22. Multiyear license;
23. License for test environment;
24. Has to be able to work with high volume traffic – 10000+ mailboxes;
25. Mail pass thru mode - disable all scanning features;
26. Automatic configuration backup to file or other backup methods;
27. All in one licensed product, no additional costs for engines, databases;
28. Maintenance mode for Exchange updates;
29. Option to choose behaviour on encrypted mails (blocking, path thru,..);
30. Check of signatures and mime coding for infection or threats.