Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities conducts a 3-day scenario-building workshop in the Southern Caucasus gathering 15-20 participants representing different stakeholders from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The Workshop is expected to take place from 28 to 30 November 2012. Services are expected to commence the latest on 5 November 2012, upon completion of successful contract award. Services will last until 30 December 2012.
The Contractor will provide support to the development of a regional participatory scenario-building workshop in the Southern Caucasus in:
Task 1. Facilitation of the Regional scenario-building workshop. The contractor is required to facilitate the 3-days regional workshop. 1 to 3 facilitators will be required. The facilitators should be selected in consultation with the EEA project coordinator and OSCE project manager. The facilitators should have experience in conducting scenario-building exercises and should be fluent in Russian. If required, this task can be subcontracted to suitable individuals/companies.
Task 2. Participation in and reporting of the Regional scenario-building workshop. The contractor is required to participate in the regional workshops to i) present the results of the regional background document (provided by the OSCE), and ii) to document the results, including narrative descriptions of scenarios. The assumptions and judgements used during the workshops should be made transparent and cascading effects made clear.
Task 3. Preparation of the final Regional Scenario Study. A final Regional Study should be developed for the South Caucasus combining the findings of the background document and the results of the regional scenario workshop, including recommendations. The results of final studies should be consulted with the participants of the workshop.