The OSCE Secretariat Procurement on behalf of the Communication and Media Relations Section (COMMS) is seeking your offer for the provision of Apple notebook computers as per the attached Annex C – Pricing Format (attached below).
Please be advised that all Goods under the planned Purchase Order shall be delivered to the OSCE Secretariat located in Vienna, Austria (DAP Incoterms 2010).
This Request for Quotation (RFQ) consists of the following Annexes:
In submitting an offer, the Bidder accepts in full and without restriction the requirements of this RFQ including the OSCE General Conditions of Contract for Goods as the sole basis of this solicitation process, and waives his own conditions of sale, whatever they may be.
We are looking forward to receiving your offer by email at no later than 15 November 2017 at 12:00HRS (CET). Offers received after the designated time will be automatically rejected. Please quote “RFQ/SEC/476478/2017 – Provision of Apple notebooks” in the subject of your email.
Any questions pertaining to this RFQ shall be addressed in writing, by email at, no later than 13 November 2017 at 14:00HRS (CET). The OSCE will notify all the invitees in writing of the questions raised and the corresponding responses; the OSCE notifications will be posted at
The Contract Award will be made to the lowest-cost Bidder taking into consideration pricing information, including delivery cost and delivery time.
Bidders who are not registered with the OSCE need to complete the Vendor Registration Form, available at and submit it with their offer; for any questions related to the Vendor Registration process, kindly contact Mr. Harald Passler, OSCE Secretariat Mission Support Assistant by email at